ArmiClenz™ is an EPA registered Antibacterial & Antiviral Disinfectant Spray for use on hard surfaces and fruits/vegetables
This product has also demonstrated effectiveness against Human Rhinovirus 42 (The Common Cold), Influenza A virus (H1N1) and is expected to inactivate all Influenza A viruses including Pandemic 2009 (formerly called swine flu)
Our EPA Registered Claims:
- Kills 99.999% of Bacteria
- Kills 99.9% of Viruses
- Demonstrated effectiveness against:
- Human Rhinovirus 42
- Influenza A virus
- Expected to inactivate all Influenza A
viruses including Pandemic 2009 [formerly called swine flu]
- Non-Harmful Ingredients
- No harmful or toxic residue
- Can be used on fruits & vegetables
- No chlorine or alcohol
- No special disposal handling required
How ArmiClenzTM is Different:
- True EPA Registered Disinfectant (EPA Reg. No. 63838-15-89950/92995-CO-1)
- Per the EPA, ArmiClenzTM Kills 99.999% of Bacteria & 99.9% of Viruses
- ArmiClenzTM contains No Harmful/Toxic Ingredients or Residue (no chlorine, bleach, alcohol, hypochlorous acid, or ammonia)
- ArmiClenzTM kills the pathogens & breaks down into carbon dioxide & water
- Ideal for use on any non-porous surface
- Per the EPA, ArmiClenzTM can be used directly on fruits & vegetables
Ideal for:
- Disinfecting Hard
- Non-porous Surfaces
- General
- Cleaning and Maintenance
- Odor Control
Directions for Use: