- Nelbud is following all local and state health departments to ensure we are complying with the appropriate local guidelines to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- We are committed to notifying our employees and customers of any changing circumstances, material service delivery concerns, item availability issues, operational changes, etc.
- We are educating staff members who are performing cleaning, inspection, repair, and waste pick-up activities to recognize the symptoms of COVID-19 and provide instructions on what to do if they develop symptoms within 14 days after their last possible exposure to the virus.
- At a minimum, we have instructed our staff to immediately notify their supervisor if they develop symptoms of COVID-19.
- We are continuously re-training our staff on proper PPE use. This training includes:
- When to use PPE; what PPE is necessary; how to properly put on, use, and take off PPE; how to properly dispose of or disinfect, inspect for damage, and maintain PPE; and the limitations of PPE.
- We are continuing to deploy reliable fact-based communication regarding the spread of the virus with our staff
- Providing ongoing training for supervisors on proper cleaning and hygiene techniques
- Maintaining strict hand washing and personal hygiene guidelines at all times
- Cleaning and sanitizing our equipment and workspaces thoroughly and regularly
- Reinforcing heightened protocol on all of our sanitation efforts
- Ensuring that team members adhere to our sick leave policies
- Refreshing emergency protocols to ensure prompt and effective response to emergency situations
- Working closely with our suppliers to maintain the flow of product or to find alternates where supplies may be limited. Thus far, our key suppliers have not notified us of any large scale fulfillment issues, but that is subject to change at any moment.